Recycling men's shirts to implement children's clothing designs to maximize the role of sustainable development

Document Type : Original Article


Damietta University - Faculty of Specific Education


the great importance of the recycling process, sustainable development seeks to benefit from recycling in the textile industry to reduce the impact of new textile production and extend the life span of clothing to meet the needs and rights of successive generations, and with the increase in global interest in environmental issues and preservation, the issue of recycling has emerged as one of the most important The issues that many countries have cared about, and seek to implement them in the right way, because of their great importance in economic development, and we find many un-fashionable shirts in the wardrobe of many mothers, which cause a great burden, and by re-modifying and updating its design in line with children's clothes It can be used again, the trend of research was towards recycling unused men's shirts to some fashionable children's clothes in light of sustainable development, and the extent of our need for them at the present time as children of preschool age have a rapid change in growth, which causes an obstacle Of the head of the household, and the importance of research lies in shedding light on recycling and use of it in rationalizing spending on clothes and awareness of sustainable consumption patterns to preserve On natural resources and thus preserving the environment. The proposed designs have achieved acceptance in light of the averages of the specialists ’evaluation of the evaluation axes, as well as the implemented products have met with acceptance and success by consumers (mothers of children).


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