Study the effect of onion, garlic and chicory powder on immunity system in rats


1 Home Economic Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut University

2 Faculty of Home Economic, Menoufia University


This study aimed to illustrate the effect of diets enriched with onion, garlic and chicory powder by the percent of (2.5 and 5%) on the immunity system of rats. Forty two (42) male albino rats weighting (150-160g) used in this study and assigned to 7 groups each (6rats). The negative control group received basal diet all the experimental period, the other experimental groups including 36 rats were fed on basal diet containing the tested plants ( 2.5 and 5%) of onion, garlic and chicory powder for (4 weeks). The results appeared that feed intake showed a few differences at (p≤ 0.05) comparing with negative control, body weight gain showed a few differences at (p≤ 0.05) comparing with negative control. Immunological profile (IgA, IgG and IgM ) showed significant increases comparing negative control group. For CBC analysis (HB, HCT and PLT ) were significant increase comparing with negative control . WBC and RBC were significantly increased.


Main Subjects