The Features of the Opportunist Character in The Contemporary Egyptian Theatre "A Reading of EI-Slayed Fahim Theatre"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education Kafr El -Sheikh University


This study aims at identifying the main characterizing features of the opportunistic persona in the contemporary theatre. For attaining this aim, the present study, thus, draws upon the descriptive analytical methodology in order to approach the theatrical text. The study draws on El-Sayed Fahim’s plays as its sample such as al-Sharnaqa, The Genious,Medium Coffee, The Cemetery, and Khalil.
The study’s conclusion highlights a considerable number of findings, the following are considered the most outstanding:
1- The types of opportunism in the allocated texts have proved to be variant: the social, the moral, the political, the economic, and the religious opportunism.
2- There are multiple motives behind the opportunistic persona, which can be represented in (the motive of seeking power, the motive of attaining wealth - the motive of controlling over others - the motive of gaining fame).
3- the most important characterizing features of the opportunistic persona in the texts in this study include the following: lack of confidence in others, treachery and betrayal, lack of conscience, cruelty of the heart, exploitation of others, deceiving others, and aggression.
4- The opportunistic suffers from some psychological and mental disorders such as: obsessive-compulsive disorder, hallucinations, anxiety, and insanity.


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