Performance style of Piano Pieces op 47 for Charles Wakefield Cadman

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Music Education - Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University. The Egyptian Arabic Republic College of Education - Sultan Qaboos University - Sultanate of Oman


There were many styles of American music due to the ethnic diversity of its population. In the late nineteenth century, intellectual trends sought to disperse romanticism in Europe and America, and at the beginning of the twentieth century they found American composers in the music of American Indians important for their music, and among the most important works that appeared in American music (musical compositions) (Especially for the piano machine and exploited by the authors, especially Charles Wakefield Cadman, who composed pieces for the piano machine Classified 47 to develop the musical skill, which made the researcher interested in studying the technical characteristics that include the pieces, and to determine the technical difficulties they include, and how to overcome them, using the descriptive and analytical method, and the sample was Out of 3 piano pieces classified 47, the study concluded that it came in a polyphonic and homophonic formulation, and the composition was based on the Tonalian and chromatic style, and the harmonic formulation was based on vertical harmonies, expressive conventions varied, and the rhythms were regular and irregular, and one of the most important recommendations is the interest in studying musical compositions. Charles and inclusion of his pieces in piano study programs


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