High school studenta use of social media and its relation ship to devolping some concepts of digital citizen ship

Document Type : Original Article


1 Minia university faculty of spacefic education

2 Department of Educational Media. Faculty of Specific Education. Minia University

3 Minia University, Faculty of specific Education, Educational Media Dep


- Study summary:
- The study aimed to identify the relationship between high school students ’use of social media and its relationship to developing concepts and axes of digital citizenship. The study also monitored the most important sites used by high school students, and the study used the descriptive approach to verify the objectives of the current study, and applied the questionnaire tool, including a scale to measure the degree of sample addiction. For social networking sites and a measure of digital citizenship axes, it was applied on a sample of 219 males and females, and the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
- - There is no statistically significant relationship between students' use of social media and their addiction to the Internet.
- - The absence of a statistically significant relationship between students' use of social media and its relationship to developing their concepts of digital citizenship.
- - That the total percentage of the digital citizenship axes scale, estimated at 77.46%, reflects a large degree of familiarity of the research sample with the concept of digital citizenship.
- - The digital citizenship axis (self-access) came first as the most common axes of digital citizenship that the respondents are familiar with.
- - The percentages of the Internet Addiction Scale ranged between (99.73: 52.63), where the phrase (I prefer sitting on the Internet than meeting some household needs (helping my mother cook and prepare food)


Main Subjects