Positive thinking and its relationship to the awareness of the requirements of the interior design of the dwelling for girls starting marriage

Document Type : Original Article


the department of Family and Childhood Institutions Management Faculty of Home Economics AlAzhar University


The current research aims mainly to reveal the nature of the relationship between positive thinking and the awareness of girls who are about to marry with the requirements of the interior design of the dwelling, where the data was completed through the application of research tools represented in the initial data form, the positive thinking questionnaire in its axes, A questionnaire of awareness of the requirements of the interior design of the dwelling on a random sample of 346 girls who are willing to marry, from some colleges and institutes of Egyptian universities, from different social and economic levels, and by using the descriptive and analytical approach, the study reached a group of results among the most important of which: There is a positive statistically significant correlational relationship between positive thinking in its dimensions and awareness of the requirements of the interior design of the dwelling with its axes, except for the axis of emotional control, The absence of a statistically significant correlation between the sum of the axes of positive thinking for girls who are about to get married and each of the father's education level, the mother's education level, the number of family members and the monthly income of the family, and the absence of a correlation between the total awareness of the requirements of the interior design of the dwelling and each of the father's education level The number of family members, the monthly income of the family.


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