Quality Of Working Life as recognized by the working housewife and its relation to performance excellence

Document Type : Original Article


Family and Childhood Institution Management Dept - Faculty of Home Economics nawag Al-Azhar University Tanta


The Research aims to study the relationship between the reality of the quality of job life as perceived by the working female head of the family in its axes and the characterization of her performance in its It also the differences between rural and urban female heads of households in both the quality of job life with its axes and the performance distinction in its dimensions
The sample of the research included ( 230 ) working female heads of household, residents various cities, centers and villages in Kafr El-Sheikh and the sample members were of different social and economic levels. They were randomly selected, and the study tools included a general data form, a questionnaire on the reality of job quality, and a performance distinction questionnaire. The study followed the descriptive and analytical approach.
And the most important results were a statistically significant correlation relationship between some axes of the questionnaire on the reality of job quality, and some dimensions of the questionnaire of performance distinction. There are statistically significant differences between rural and urban working female heads of households in both the total reality of job quality, and the total performance distinction in favor of Rural women


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