Developing an E-Portfolio to Teach the Guitar and Measuring its Effect in Enhancing Skills of Playing, in addition to Maintaining the Learning Effect on Students of Musical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Music Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


Online training and learning have increasingly become an important part on all education levels, whether the university or pre-university education, including training of cadres in educational institutes. This progress creates the need to have the opportunity for skilled teachers to teach online, as well as increasing this knowledge through the most effective practices.
The recent research presented an attempt to try a new technical approach to enhance musical performance. Accordingly, the research aimed at exploring the effect of using the E-portfolio, which has been developed to teach the guitar. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher prepared two methods of scientific research; the first was the experimental research through developing the E-portfolio. The second method was an observation card to measure the skill level of plying the guitar.
The experimental development of the research was presented through an individual experimental group of a sample of 32 students from the fourth-year students. Observation has been applied as a pre and after application to measure the effect of the E-portfolio on enhancing the playing skills of the research sample. Moreover, it has been performed once more as a postponed after application following one month with the aim of determining the consecutive measurement and maintaining the learning effect.

Key words: Development, E-portfolio, Maintaining the learning effect


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