Innovating Educational Clothing Designs for Early childhood children Quoted from Educational Games

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Home Economics - Helwan University

2 Faculty of Designs - Qassim University


Educational games are a modern source for creating educational clothing designs for children in early childhood, because these games carry an artistic and aesthetic value that can be used in design, by employing their shapes, sizes, lines, decorations and colors in developing clothing designs and implementing them with modern artistic methods and techniques.

research aims :
1- Study the scientific standards for educational games.
2- Study the aesthetic and functional dressing requirements for children's clothing in early childhood stage (3-6) years according to the child's needs.
3- Creating educational children's clothing designs for the age (3-6) years, adapted from educational games.
4- Determine the measure of acceptance by specialists and mothers of design proposals for children's clothes.
5- Implementing children's clothing designs that are borrowed from educational games to help children understand and learn some skills.
The research found:
1- There are statistically significant differences between the five designs for children's clothing in achieving the aesthetic aspect, according to the opinions of specialists.
2- There are statistically significant differences between the five designs for children's clothing in achieving the functional aspect, according to the opinions of specialists.
3- There are statistically significant differences between the five designs for children's clothing according to the opinions of consumers.


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