The effectiveness of the application of the inverse learning strategy in teaching the fashion design course to the students of the third division (clothing and textiles) faculty of home economics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Home Economics Department ,Faculty of women for Arts , Science and Education , Ain Sham University , Egypt

2 Department of Clothes and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Egypt


The educational process in the countries is facing an accelerated development in knowledge and technology advancement, which helps to achieve effective learning, through modern means, which integrate some of the traditional methods with the new ones, and end with providing high-performance outputs, and the rapid development of knowledge led to the emergence of new teaching theories and strategies that The necessity to improve and develop the performance of both the teacher and the learner in the educational situation, and the strategy that the teacher follows in teaching it is based on psychological theories and depends on the student in the learning process as well, being the focus of the educational process and the reverse learning strategy of strategies that achieve the modern learning style, and the use of advanced technology without That there be centralization in the place and time of learning and given the many and dangerous variables the world is going through today due to the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19), which made the whole world go through a real crisis in various fields, and the Corona virus has affected various areas of life, which He worked to stop many of them, and among the most important of these areas affected by the , which c Publicly, we resort to e-learning and some different electronic channels through which the reverse learning strategy can be applied and students ’attitudes towards the effectiveness of its application on achievement when learning fashion design skills.


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