The Aesthetic and Historical Aspects of the Holy Kaaba's Covering as an approach to enrich Arabic Calligraphy in Contemporary Design

Document Type : Original Article


art & design faculty, Jeddah university, kingdom of Saudi arabia


The problem of the study is summarized in the enrichment of the sources and references on the covering of the Kaaba and highlighting it as a philosophical aspect, as the researcher wishes to highlight this historical, religious, cultural and aesthetic aspect behind the Kaaba cladding. The Holy Kaaba throughout history until the current design. Coming out with results that enrich the field of specialization and benefit as a source for specialists in decorative design or even Islamic architecture or designers of the Kaaba. The research relied in its theoretical framework on two main axes: The first: a historical account of the changes in the design of the covering of the Holy Kaaba. The second: the technical and aesthetic aspects of designing the covering of the Kaaba as a sample. And after dealing with the theoretical aspect by analyzing and describing and putting together some research samples, the researcher came out with a link and an answer to these questions in the outcome of the research that the researcher has already found a great historical interest by Arabs and Muslims in designing the Kaaba covering throughout history to the present time, considering it a religious and cultural value, and the aesthetic value of Islamic decoration And the Arabic calligraphy, which was reflected through the designs of the covering of the Kaaba, proved the importance of Islamic decoration and the role and importance of art in highlighting and placing this ancient cultural and artistic heritage in a prominent place among the arts.


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