The electromechanical Actual Kinetic and role in achieving design aesthetics"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professorof Design, Department of Art Education Faculty of Specific Education Menoufia University


The research deals with modern plastic and intellectual methods stemming from the reciprocal relationship between science and contemporary art, as one of the modern technical trends, and its new intellectual aspects that support artistic practices and experimentation, which leads to the development of creative thinking in dealing with the actual movement when implementing new design formulas, etc. It results from multiple and renewable design visions that are characterized by many artistic and aesthetic values, working to increase the interaction between scenes and desigThe research aims to find new intellectual approaches to invest in the actual movement as an artistic concept that has a role in designing and identifying the types of actual movement, especially electromechanical, and their role in the design work, activating the positive role between the recipient and the design work, and creating designs based on the multiplicity of viewing visions for a single design work.
The research confirms the consolidation of the relationship between art and science by studying the actual electromechanical movement to enrich the design and take advantage of the modern artistic trends associated with kinetic art in developing creative thinking in the field of design and making use of the types of movement, especially the actual, to increase the effectiveness of the relationship between design work and scenes and benefit from modern technologies to reach Aesthetic solutions that enrich the field of design and invest in the actual electromechanical movement design to achieve new aesthetic visions.


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