Producing Innovative Designs of Women's Bags by Combining Crochet and Sinai Embroidery to Contribute to Empowering Breadwinning Women and Integrating them into The Labor Market

Document Type : Original Article


Home economics, Faculty of specific education, Menofia university, Egypt


Crochet and embroidery are one of the oldest fine and delicate arts, which called needle works Therefore, Combining between these two techniques for the manufacture of women's bags in a new way. Combining Crochet and Sinai Embroidery is done through the renewal in the quality of the materials used and the renewal in the designs of women's bags so women can use Combining to make hand-made products sold at high prices, making them a source of income that they depend on in providing the money needed to take care of her family's affairs, The research focused on providing new entrances for the merging between crochet and Sinai embroidery and the effective contribution to developing the capabilities of the breadwinner woman in a manner appropriate for her integration into The labor market , in light of the results, it was found that there are statistically significant differences between the implemented products (women's bags) and the product's role in contributing to the empowerment of the breadwinner woman and her integration into the labor market by calculating the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and the percentage of agreement for each of the implemented products It was found that the first product, followed by successively, the third product, then the seventh, followed by the fifth product, which investigates and proves the importance of research to produce innovative designs for women's bags to contribute to empowering the breadwinner woman and integrate them in order to develop talents and skills and to utilize time and effort.


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