The effect of formative assessment Source on developing mastery motivation among instructional technology students


1 Instructional Technology Department , Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University

2 Instructional Technology Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University

3 Minia University, Faculty of Specific Education, Instructional Technology Department


The aim of the current research is to reveal the effect of the source of formative assessment on developing the motivation of mastery among students of instructional technology during their studies of instructional content "Instructional Animation Film Production Skills'', the research tool represented the measure of mastery motivation, while the experimental treatment subject in an e-learning environment represented two images, one of which is based on the source of the instructor formative assessment, while the other is based on the source of the peer formative assessment, the results showed the effectiveness of the teacher formative assessment source in raising the level of mastery motivation over the peer formative assessment source, among Research recommendations: Preparing instructional situations by employing corrective activities accompanying the appropriate feedback that help increase the motivation of mastery among students, The necessity to draw attention to the importance of mastery motivation and to consolidate the principle of learning for mastery, Take advantage of the proposed e-learning content topics to be primarily based upon other instructional programs for the development of other skills.


Main Subjects