the effectiveness of the Flipped Learning strategy in imparting the skill of designing and implementing bed sheets for a breadwinner woman as an entry point for micro-projects

Document Type : Original Article


Damietta University


The sustainable development strategy represents: Egypt's vision 2030, which is concerned with empowering Egyptian women, preserving their rights and placing them in a position befitting their value and capabilities, and in implementation of the principles of equal opportunity, and the belief of the Egyptian state, that stability and progress will only be achieved through ensuring effective participation For women in all aspects of work, and the breadwinner woman is considered one of the most in need of attention in order to be able to fulfill her role towards her family, and developing the skills and capabilities of the breadwinner woman is one of the main factors for her economic empowerment. Therefore, this research aimed to prepare a training program to provide skills to the breadwinner Family covers (to suit the labor market and benefit from it as an entry point for micro-projects to enable them economically and integrate them into the labor market, as they represent a productive and developmental force in society, through training on the skills of preparing, implementing and ending family covers, and the results showed the effectiveness of training in providing the trainees with the skills needed to implement family covers. With a high degree of quality, in addition to achieving the functional aesthetic aspect according to the scale of evaluating each amount of arbitrators and consumers.


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