Theater and its role in achieving the psychosocial development of the child - An Empirical Study-

Document Type : Original Article


College of education early childhood Damanhour university


The study deals with the employment of audio and visual connotations to simplify and refute what (Eric Erikson) saw in his theory about psychological and social development in the fifth stage of development (the stage of feeling identity versus disruption of the role), which is the basis for forming thinking patterns in all future stages of growth for the individual, and that. During the reflections of the features and characteristics of the theory in its fifth stage on the theater (Nabil Khalaf) during his play (The Red Princess Butterfly), standing on the intellectual structure of the text, and embodying it during the presentation through the audio and visual connotations, through the stages of presenting the crisis and its implications to reach a solution, in a way that enables the recipient / those in charge To raise the child from realizing the crisis that this stage is going through, and the possibility of solving it indirectly during the theatrical journey.he study concluded:
- The author realized the difficulty of achieving identity, the dialectic of the relationship between biological growth and community culture, and the suffering that a fifth-stage child suffers, in order to obtain adaptation, to achieve psychological balance, in order to achieve his identity, which was reflected in his formulation in writing his text, where surrealism prevailed over the fabric of its vocabulary Textual text, in the form that embodied the hidden crisis of a fifth-stage child, according to what Erikson saw in his theory of psychosocial development.


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