Synthesis of Felting African portrait to create ergonomic design

Document Type : Original Article


Damietta University


The silhouette of African art expresses the features of the portrait of the African woman, depicting her with huge lips and spread curly hair or African braids, and the head and her huge multi-layered covers that are characterized by the flow of curved lines, in addition to the colors of the headdresses derived from nature and which are characterized by vitality, and where the youth group They gasp behind everything new, especially girls, as they are fond of following fashion and within the framework of the economic crisis, the renewal of clothes has become especially important, but the renewal must be characterized by modernity and in line with fashion, and the decorative felting is a new trend in decorating textiles and clothing pieces like embroidery, which has its history but is not in circulation And his scientific studies are limited, and because the decorative felting process depends on adding some wool filaments to the fabric and working to weld them together, so it can be used in the renewal of the pieces of clothing and treating their defects, so this research aimed to integrate African art with the technique of decorative felting to achieve ergonomics of the renewed clothes by applying the technique of felting. The decorator is made of various pieces of clothing, in addition to the use of some accessories, embroidery stitches and free printing The opinions of the referees and the target group showed the effectiveness of synthesizing the African sintered portrait to create ergonomic design.


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