Abstract Expressionism Movement The beginning of Postmodern Painting


Painting department, fine art college.Minia University


Abstract Expressionism emphasized the depiction of feelings rather than objects. Most of the painters of the movement preferred large works on canvas, bright colors, and loose brushes. It is seen as combining the emotional appeal and self-expression of German Expressionists with the anti-imaginative aesthetic of European abstract schools such as the Bauhaus and Futurism. Cubism, and specifically Pablo Picasso, was also a great influence in the idea of ​​dividing representational beings into basic geometric shapes.
Abstract Expressionism emphasized accidents and spontaneity in their work, but usually very planned to implement them. Mistakes made during the drawing process were used in the artist's favor. Hans Hoffmann and Arshil Gorky were essential in drawing attention to the possibility of expression in the abstraction and the basic physicality of paint. Abstract Expressionism can be broadly divided into two e expressionists showed themselves as pioneers of a new art, and this is what Clifford Steele's eloquent and romantic phrase shows, "It was a journey, but one has to take it alone, taking a bold step forward." Abstract Expressionism represented the United States in its vastness, its large paintings are a reflection of the expanse of the United States that gathers within it all ethnic, color, geographic, cultural and religious differences . Despite this, they are subject to a unified law, and they study in the same institutes and speak one language, "English". Their ambition was to bring their art to the universalism, universality and superior originality.: kinematics and color field .


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