An Applied Analytical Study for Salomon Jadassohn Theme & Variations Op.40 for Solo Piano

Document Type : Original Article


Music Education - Faculty of Specific Education - Port Said University


This study aimed to identify the most important literary and musical compositions by the composer Salomon Jadason, especially his compositions for the piano, as well as to identify the musical difficulties in his “Classified 40 Melody and Variations” and work to overcome them through exercises and musical instructions in order to be able to perform them in a correct artistic manner.
Salomon Jadassohn is a romantic composer, he attended elementary education at the Leipzig Conservatory, Germany, and studied piano playing with Ignaz Mochilis and studied playing the piano in particular on Franz List in Weimar, in addition to studying musical composition with Moritz Hauptmann, Ernst Richter and Julius .
In order to reach the results of this study, the technical characteristics of the melodic formulation were studied in the book "Melody and Variations of Classifier 40" by Gaddason, which varied as the intensive use of small and large expressive arcs appeared, and included more than one term together to denote the speed, accuracy of performance, and other many characteristics. The musical difficulties that were included in the composition of the composition of the melody and variations of the 40-piece compiler and the exercises and musical instructions proposed by the researcher to overcome these difficulties.


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