A proposed vision for teaching piano using some modern electronic programs

Document Type : Original Article


Assiut University specific education


The experience of distance education has partially succeeded in teaching theoretical subjects, which depend on giving the lecture through one of the visual communication programs spread on the Internet, while it encountered many difficulties in applying it to practical colleges that have different characteristics to study in. Therefore, countries resorted to using the term “hybrid education”. Hybrid Learning, which offers a mixture of direct and distance education.
The aim of the research is to find a proposed method for teaching piano playing that combines distance education and direct contact with students. This research followed the experimental method.
The search consisted of two windows:
Theoretical framework: distance education - the benefits of using technological means in distance education - the main idea of conducting effective communication in order to teach playing the piano - the reasons for the researcher's choice of the program used.
Application framework: Preparatory steps for the experiment - the experiment in the form of 8 educational sessions by direct contact with students (research sample) via Google Duo.
The research was concluded with findings, recommendations and a list of Arab and foreign references.


Main Subjects