The use of clothing designs as a means of raising awareness against the coronavirus, covid 19, for the children in the kindergarten and primary.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clothes and Textile, Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, Egypt


Corona virus us an infectious and dangerous disease, and the transmission of infection between humans occurs mostly in health care settings,as it occurs in amuch smaller scale inside gatherings and primarily inside households, and there is no clear data indicating the virus continues to be transmitted between humans.
Close contact is required for the transmission of the virus to occur , and there are various possible methods of transmission , such as droplets and contact, and more studies are required to reach abetter understanding of the risk factors for transmission of the virus among humans and the success of preventing the spread of corona virus infections associated with health car debends on the full implementation of the basic elements . for infection prevention and control prevention and control programs , most cases of transmission occur in the absence of special precautions to prevent and control infection before a specific case is suspected or confirmed.

The corona epidemic virus is considered to be of high risk to the lives of individuals and the refor requires protection from transmission of infection ckildren (kindergarten- primary) dueto in sufficient awareness of the age staye against this epidemic, so the study tended to use aprotectve uniform after sterilization ( fabrics non - woven) clothing ,which is aprotective clothing, aface mask , ahead cover, and ahandbag


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