Evaluation of the Nutrition and Health Behavior of People Recovered from COVID19 and Treated at Home among the Arab Population


Home Economics Dept, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams Univ, Cairo Egypt


A new corona viral /COVID19 is an epidemic that started in December 2019 in China and expanded to all world so still now. Objective: Our study focuses on the patients infected with COVID 19 and treated in their homes. “Nutritional &Health Behavior during” COVID19 (NHBQ -COVID19) the design place by using a web-survey. Methods: 576 respondents have been inclusive in the study, aged ranged 16 -75 years. Results: The bigger slice in age (30-39 y) was (46.8%) and the least slice was in over 60 y (2.7%). The chronic diseases were distributed for people recovery shows that 60.6 % of persons don’t have any chronic diseases, 9.8% have obesity. The results show a high percentage of people used WHO protocol ( Antipyretic+ VitC+VitE+Zinc+Antibiotic ) ( 48.7%), as well as (15%) of people who did not use any medical treatment. For the effect BMI on-time recovery rate that the high percentage of recovered people have a normal weight (36.9%). There are significant differences in the rate of time recovery at ( p ≤0.01 ) among individuals who used lemon, green tea, chamomile, thyme, clove, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables. Besides, significant differences at (p ≤0.05) in time recovery and used costus, turmeric, fenugreek, and black tea. Conclusions: Therefore individuals take care of health, diet, and supported it with many fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs (recommended lemon, green &black tea, chamomile, thyme, clove, costa, turmeric, and fenugreek).


Main Subjects