The Formation Semantics of the Image Structure In Child Theater "A Semiological Study on The Beauty and the Beast Shows As A Model"

Document Type : Original Article


Department of arts theatrical, Faculty of specific education, Ain Shams University.


The significance of the study lies in the attempt to explore the semiology of the image in child theatre’s shows, monitoring as well, its indications within the context of theatrical performances, and to what extent the child has the ability to decipher their codes and understand their indications.
The study discusses the following questions:
- What are the indications of the visual signs that the actor produces in the Child Theatre’s shows?
- What are the indications of the stage’s shape in the Child Theatre’s shows?
- To what extent are the indications of theatrical image convenient and harmonious with the mental and psychological capabilities of children?
The researcher relies on the Semiological method in his critical practice to analyze a purposed sample from the theatrical shows inspired by the fairy tale of “The Beast and the Beauty” from the world heritage.
The study comes to several results including the following:
- The Child Theatre’s shows exposed a system of connotations and visual signals that varied between connotations by the actor and others by the shape of the stage; yet, they both created harmony with each other in an integrated artistic unit.
- The kinetic formations varied and differed with their rhythms and steps in the dramatic shows and carried indications that expressed the dramatic content, as the performances of the actors, their movement rhythms and gestures expressed a number of connotations that were appropriate for the perceptions and mentality of children.


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