An analytical study of the Piano Concour Op (121) by Henry Bertini

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of specific education


Since its founding in 1795, the Paris Conservatory has produced many great composers and musicians in French history, who composed one of the musical compositions that were written specifically for ceremonies or to compete for the right to graduate, or for positions in the institute or orchestra, and from those who wrote competitions for the piano instrument of the author institute French Henry Bertini.
The aim of the research is to introduce the author Henry Bertini, his most important works, and his method of writing the competitions, along with clarifying some of the technical skills that were included in the piano Concour Op (121), and how to overcome the difficulty of performing these techniques. Descriptive "content analysis" approach.
The search consisted of two frameworks:
The theoretical framework includes: the author Henry Bertini - literature for competitions
The applied framework includes: the survey study of the piano Concour Op (121) by Henry Bertini - the instrumental techniques of the competition, and the proposed musical instructions to overcome them.
The researcher was able to answer the questions raised by providing an overview of Bertini's life, some of his works for the piano, explaining the features of his writing style for the Composer Concour Op (121), and reviewing the most important musical techniques that the author included, which may represent performance difficulties, while suggesting appropriate musical instructions to facilitate the performance.


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