Creation of contemporary designs in collage style of Aubesson fabrics from paintings by Vasily Kandinsky

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of specific Education. tanta university

2 faculty of specific education. Damietta university

3 Faculty of Specific Education - Damietta University

4 Faculty of specific Education, Damietta University


The current research aims to learn about abstract school. its origins and the technical features of this school as well as the different types of abstract schools and to reveal the various artistic styles in the works of the abstract artists, especially the works of the artist Vasily Kandinsky, which marked his artwork
Were characterized by the unique style and new visions. The research also aims to develop contemporary designs from the abstract school to address the scarcity of (salon) designs and its complementary and suitability with the general taste by identifying the features of collage art and the materials used in its implementation to benefit from it in creating contemporary designs for salon fabrics and its supplements.
The results of the current study came as follows: Benefiting from the abstract paintings of the artist Vasily Kandinsky. (11) Paintings were selected to be studied and used in the production of contemporary designs for the salon set and its supplements, to benefit from the art of collage and its methods in obtaining contemporary designs from the abstract school, and (30) have been implemented. A collage-style design was presented to textile professionals. The first (9) designs were printed according to the statistical results of the questionnaire on aubesson fabrics.


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