Bullying In The Children Theater

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education Kafr El -Sheikh University


Research summary
Research problem:
The problem of this research crystallized around the following question: What are the most important types of bullying mentioned in the content of the theatrical texts in the study sample of the writer "Muhammad Nasif"?
Research importance:
The importance of the research lies in the fact that bullying is one of the topics discussed in a large way at the present time at the level of many international, regional and local discussions alike because of its role in undermining the individuals’ personal security.
Research aims:
Identifying the most important types of bullying mentioned in the content of the theatrical texts in the study sample by the writer "Muhammad Nasif"
Research type and methodology:
This research is a descriptive research in content analysis.
Research time: from 2003 to 2010
Research results:
- The theatrical texts included in the study sample a group of types of bullying represented by bullying (physical - psychological - verbal - social)
The research sample:
The research sample contains five plays: “Hitting Is Better Than Death - I Don’t like My Name - The Angry Blackboard - Prisoner of H and W - My Watch Lies” by Muhammad Nasif.
- The most important forms of physical bullying, we find that it varied between beating and biting, as mentioned in the theatrical text "Hitting Is Better Than Death" and also between the use of weapons, threats and intimidation, as stated in the theatrical text "Prisoner of H and W’’.


Main Subjects