The effectiveness of some techniques Web (2.0) Tools in learning build and design skirt patterns using the simulation program Marvelous Designer

Document Type : Original Article


1 Alazhar university

2 alazhar university


the idea of the research, is Try to teach build and design skirt patterns using the Marvelous Designer Simulation Program 7.5 through educational blogs, where the research aimed to measure the effectiveness of educational blogs in In developing academic achievement and skill performance of students in building and designing skirt patterns using the Marvelous designer simulation program. It also aimed to develop self-efficacy in the use of educational blogs among the learners. The research followed the descriptive method and the quasi-experimental method, where the application was carried out on one experimental group that building and designing skirt patterns on the simulation program through educational blogs and their 25 students from the second year of clothing and textile department at the Faculty of Economics Home Al-Azhar University, The results have found that there are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the students in the post application and the average scores of the students in the pre-application in favor of the post application in both the achievement test and the Note form . The results also demonstrated the effectiveness of the educational blog in raising the self-efficacy of students.


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