The synthesis of different materials and techniques to create a functional creation of women's and children's clothing and use it as a clothing supplement.

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University


The combination of different materials and techniques has a great impact in creating a kind of creativity and breaking the confinement of what is traditional, and this was a primary goal of research in trying to benefit from the art of combining raw materials in the production of pieces of clothing for women and children in early childhood, and then combining different techniques on pieces of clothing. The product produced to create a job creation for it by converting it into a women's handbag with the possibility of retrieving it again into a piece of clothing and thus one piece can perform two jobs, and the research sample consisted of 6 designs implemented for women and the development of 6 handbags for women from them, In addition to 4 designs implemented for children and the creation of 4 handbags for women among them, the current research followed the descriptive approach and the experimental method, and its tools included (a questionnaire for the opinions of the arbitrators in the designs implemented, a questionnaire for the opinions of consumers towards the designs implemented) and the results resulted in the following:


Main Subjects