The relationship between the author's vision and the director's techniques in the play "Hello Yabkawat"

Document Type : Original Article


specific eduation faculty- menofia university


The aim of the research is to know how the writer and director dealt with the dramatic treatment of the play "Hello Yabekwat" and to know the vision of writer Lenin Al-Ramli in dealing with events, as well as the techniques of director Issam Al-Sayed in directing the play's script. The researcher used the content analysis tool to highlight the dramatic construction content of the play As well as analyzing the scenography elements to find out the techniques used by the director. And clarify the relationship between them..
The study reached several results, the most important of which are
- The director was interested in employing the theatrical instructions specified by the writer in his text, which clarified the nature of the relationship between the author and the director and the effect of this on the recipient's perception of the textual and visual space.
- That the artistic treatment of the decoration was linked to the temporal and spatial environment defined by the author in his text and the director committed to it in the show
- The director presented the play as it is, even though he worked to change some of the names of the characters as Nader, who transformed in the show to Mahmoud, but he adhered to the text and its projections that reflected on reality


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