The Manifestations of Tonalism in three different eras of Debussy life

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


Tonalism is considered the basis of functional relationships in major and minor scales. Tonalism was colored in a new color in the beginning of the twentieth century as a result of the abundant use of chromatic by romantic compsers at the end of the nineteenth century, such as Chopin, Liszt and Wagner.
Debussy is considered the most important figure who started the first steps towards the music of the twentieth century and the search for new foundations and concepts for the music of this era, by departing from the traditional tonalism, so we find that he freed from the traditional Harmonic Tonalism system that relies on major and minor scales, and used ecclesiastical shrines, pentatonic and hexatonic scales . The theoretical framework of the research includes previous studies related to the research topic. The applied framework for the research includes the analysis of works from three different periods of the composer’s life. The research was concluded with results and recommendations.


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