Availability of Solfege Skills for fresh students of Musical Education

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


This study aimed at performing a survey study to develop a list with the most important skills of Solfege necessary for fresh students of Musical Education. In addition, the study tried to answer the following questions:
1-    What are the most important skills necessary for fresh students of Musical Education in Solfege?
2-    How far do fresh students of Musical Education have Solfege skills?
The descriptive survey approach was used to answer the study questions and to achieve its objectives. Furthermore, after reviewing the previous studies and the literature related to the study, a list of the Solfege skills required for fresh students of Musical Education was developed and then it was prepared as a questionnaire to measure the availability of those skills.
One of the most important results of the study was the preparation of a list of Solfege skills in the following items: (rhythmic Solfege, reading Solfege, Melodic Solfege, and harmonic Solfege). Furthermore, the questionnaire was applied to a random sample of 25 students from the first year in the Department of Musical Education, Minia University; to measure the availability of Solfege skills for those students.


Main Subjects