Employing the patriotic song to give the child the first stage of basic education to perform some Arabic genres

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education - Minia University


Nations seek in our time to pay attention to the correct social upbringing, the development of patriotism, and the love of the country for the child to be a healthy and healthy individual in the future who builds, preserves, and exalts his society, and if we talk about the functions of the song, we see that it is one of the most important aspects of musical education that influences the formation of a personality The child is one of the important educational means by which a person can express his emotions, aspirations, and desires. Songs are also considered a good medium for social upbringing and the acquisition of religious and political values ​​in the various stages of child development.
The researcher believes that the patriotic song in our time is an extension of the patriotic pattern in terms of its artistic characteristics, and it spread in our society until it became frequent between different classes and ages and on all occasions that affect the country, and found that the national song has an important role in affirming belonging and patriotism as well as many social values I have individuals, especially children, through strong spirited music and fast rhythms that inflame the crowd.
From here, the researcher saw the use of some patriotic songs to develop patriotism and to enable the performance of some Arab genres to the child of the first stage of basic education


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