Stylus valse performance by Stephen Elmas

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University.


The romantic movement in music was closely related to the development of the piano machine, which helped both the author and the performer to demonstrate his proficiency in composition and good performance, and it became the distinctive and expressive instrument of Romanticism.
The valse dance in Austria appeared in the eighteenth century in a triple balance, and spread throughout the world, written by many music authors such as the author Johan Strauss, who is called the king of valse, Beethoven, Brahms, Oats and Stephan Elmas.
The scholar Valse chose as the work of the Armenian author "Stefan Elmas" for her analytical, theoretical and instrumental study because it contains various instrumental techniques.
The theoretical framework of the research deals with previous studies related to the topic of research, then the author's life and style, his most important work and his rejection of Valse. The research followed the descriptive analytical approach to the number of three fils (the sample of the research), as well as the applied framework and examined the analytical study (theoretical and instrumental) of the three piano valsees and presented the suggestions and instructions necessary to overcome some of the performance difficulties that these bankruptcies included, and were sealed with the results of the research, its interpretation and recommendations


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