A proposed program to develop some moral values of female students / teachers of home economics and their attitudes towards the teaching profession

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The problem of the study is defined in the following main question:
-What is the effectiveness of the proposed program in developing certain moral values among female students / teachers of home economics and their attitudes towards the teaching profession?
Instrument of the study:
-Preparaing a proposed program in ethical values prepared using certain educational modules.
-Preparation of measuring tools, represented in: (a note card of the student / home economics teacher's practice of moral values in practical education, a measure of the trend towards the teaching profession).
Current research  limited to: a group of female students / teachers, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education-Mini-University, and their number is (42) female/ teacher.
The results of the research  confirm that the use of the proposed program led to the following:
1. Female pre-sevice teachers have acquired some moral values ​​related to the teaching profession.
2. Developing the attitude of pre-service teachers towards the teaching profession.
3. There is a positive correlation between the students'/ teachers ’acquisition of some ethical values ​​related to the teaching profession and their attitudes towards the profession.


Main Subjects