Methods of Parenting and Their Relationship to the Pre-School Life Skills of Working Mothers

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University


The objectives of the study were to determine the nature of the relationship between parenting methods with its five axes: acceptance, control, equality, increased protection and neglect, and life skills for a preschool child with its three dimensions: the field of clothing, the field of food, the field of personal care, and some socio-economic variables of the family, mother and child age, and the level of education The father, the mother’s education level, the family’s monthly income categories and the number of family members, And to determine the nature of the differences between both rural and urban women, and male and female mothers in each of the five parenting methods of life and the life skills of a preschool child with its three dimensions as working mothers realize it, and define the nature of the differences between the mothers sample study in the parenting methods with its five axes and the life skills of a child Pre-school with its three dimensions, as realized by working mothers, according to the maternal age, the child’s age, the mother’s and mother’s education levels, the family’s monthly income groups, and the number of family members.
The current study followed the descriptive analytical approach, whereby a questionnaire of parenting methods as prepared by working mothers recognized by its five axes, and a life skills questionnaire for a preschool child as well as working mothers in its three dimensions, were applied and codified on a sample of mothers chosen in a purpose consisting of 300 Among the working mothers from the countryside and urban Menoufia governorate, and from different social and economic levels.
The results showed that there is a positive correlation relationship at the level of 0.01 of the parenting methods as a whole with its five axes, and the life skills of the preschool child as a whole with its three dimensions as perceived by working mothers, as well as the absence of a correlation relationship with statistical significance between parenting methods as a whole and each of the categories The mother’s age, the child’s age, the father’s education level, the mother’s education level, the family’s monthly income groups, the number of family members, as well as the absence of a statistically significant correlation between life skills as a whole and each of the mother’s age groups, the child’s age, the husband’s education level, and the level of education Wife, lover The monthly household income and the number of family members. Likewise, there were no statistically significant differences between the average scores of male and female mothers in the study sample in parenting methods as perceived by working mothers, and the life skills of a preschool child as working mothers are aware of them, and the absence of a statistically significant difference between the study sample in parenting methods as you realize it Working mothers with their five axes, according to (mother's age, child’s age, father’s and mother’s educational levels, family’s monthly income groups and the number of family members), as well as the absence of a statistical difference between the study sample in the life skills of a preschool child as well as Working mothers realized it in its three dimensions, according to (the mother’s age, the child’s age, the father’s and mother’s educational levels, the family’s monthly income groups, and the number of family members).
The study presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which was to spread culture between parents with both parental parenting methods and life skills for a preschool child through developing intensive and studied awareness programs prepared by home management specialists and institutions, and these programs aim to show the importance of positive education for the child, And the advantages of normal parenting on the behavior of children and their mental and mental health, as well as showing the risks of abnormal parenting methods on the child and the extent of its impact on the child's ability to master daily life skills


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