An analytical study of some of Fayza Ahmed's songs and making use of them in the Arabic Solfege subject


Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


Solvege is the language of music, like any other language that has the same qualities in terms of letters written and read and rules to control the words and function is to organize the thought and the correct use of the vocabulary of the language and composition, and Alsolvej material is the basis of all musical sciences so must develop at the student since the beginning of his musical, Through studying this article, which includes different items, the student can master the vocabulary of the language of music, reading, writing, performance, sense and analysis. The most important objectives of soundfage and hearing training is to develop the hearing ability of the student by developing his ability to distinguish between Different voices and recognizing whether or rhythmic melodic, and also identify the color performance if severe or dimmed, and the mastery of the performance of melodies and rhythms of performance is set.
Research problem:
Through hearing the researcher of some of the songs of Fayza Ahmed found that no one touched to analyze these songs to benefit from the Arab Solvej, where it contains interesting and interesting musicals that clearly and accurately reflect the spirit of the composer composed of the song and contains the transitions of the sanctuary and various axes, Create exercises for some songs in an attempt to enrich the Arabic Sufij

دارسة تحمیمیة لبعض أغانی فایزة أحمد والأستفادة منها منها فی مادة الصولفیج العربی
م/ أسماء زین العابدین عبد الله عمر
انمؤتمر اندونی الأول ـ انتعهیم اننوعی .. الابتکاریة وسوق انعمم، کهیة انتربیة اننوعیة ـ جامعة انمنیا 2018 یونیو 1، ج 17مجهة انبحوث فی مجالات انتربیة اننوعیة، ع ISSN (عدد خاص: انتربیة انموسیقیة) -1687-3424/2001
research goals :
 Determining the artistic characteristics of Fayza Ahmed's songs sample.  Take advantage of some songs Fayza Ahmed to serve the course of the Arab Solving.  raising the level of students in the course of the Arab Solvej through some songs Fayza Ahmed.
research importance:
The importance of this research is to make use of Faiza Ahmed's songs in enriching theoretical knowledge and music culture by understanding the characteristics of these songs. The importance of the research stems from the importance of the varied and varied melodies of Fayza Ahmed in overcoming the difficulties of Solvege. The musical scene in that period.
Research questions:
Q - What are the most important musical colors of some of Fayza Ahmed's composers?
Q - What are the song tracks for some of Fayza Ahmed's songs?
Q - What is Fayza Ahmed's way of singing through some of her songs?
search limits :
 Spatial boundaries: The Arab Republic of Egypt.  temporal boundaries: the life of Fayza Ahmed from 1930 AD: 1983 AD.

دارسة تحمیمیة لبعض أغانی فایزة أحمد والأستفادة منها منها فی مادة الصولفیج العربی
م/ أسماء زین العابدین عبد الله عمر
انمؤتمر اندونی الأول ـ انتعهیم اننوعی .. الابتکاریة وسوق انعمم، کهیة انتربیة اننوعیة ـ جامعة انمنیا 2018 یونیو 1، ج 17مجهة انبحوث فی مجالات انتربیة اننوعیة، ع ISSN (عدد خاص: انتربیة انموسیقیة) -1687-3424/2001
 Technical border: a collection of Fayza Ahmed songs.
Search procedures:
Research Methodology:
This research follows the descriptive analytical method.
Sample Search:
A sample selected from the songs of Fayza Ahmed.
search tools :
1- Music blogs and sound recordings of Fayza Ahmed songs.
2- sites on the Internet.
Search terms:
Technique - song - Arabic solvig - track melody - beating - the place.
Previous studies related to the subject:
The first study entitled: "The use of some famous folk tunes in the Suez Canal area to teach the Arab Sulayj."
The second study is entitled "Utilizing the Egyptian Contemporary Song in Improving the Performance of Specific Education Students in Solvege."
The third study entitled: "The use of the melodies of lyric poems in the Arab solvig"
The fourth study entitled: "Benefiting from the melodies of Abdel Azim Mohamed songs in"

دارسة تحمیمیة لبعض أغانی فایزة أحمد والأستفادة منها منها فی مادة الصولفیج العربی
م/ أسماء زین العابدین عبد الله عمر
انمؤتمر اندونی الأول ـ انتعهیم اننوعی .. الابتکاریة وسوق انعمم، کهیة انتربیة اننوعیة ـ جامعة انمنیا 2018 یونیو 1، ج 17مجهة انبحوث فی مجالات انتربیة اننوعیة، ع ISSN (عدد خاص: انتربیة انموسیقیة) -1687-3424/2001
This research is divided into two chapters:
Chapter I includes the theoretical framework contains:
- The biography and art of Fayza Ahmed.
Some of the composers of Fayza Ahmed (Mohammad Al-Muji, Mohammed Abdel Wahab
Arabian Solvege
Chapter II
Application Framework
It includes:
Some works of Faiza Ahmed, a simple analysis and innovative business exercises to take advantage of the Arab Solvig.
research results:
The results of the research through the framework of the application to answer the questions of research and a simple analysis of some songs Fayza Ahmed and know the technical characteristics of Faiza Ahmed.

Main Subjects