Advantage of some Innovation Composer to Improve the Accompaniment of Educational Improvisation Subject


Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Specific Education, Aswan University


Improvisation as a whole of human capabilities is more old than some people, but this does not negate the possibility of learning, and we may find differences between the students in their ability to improvise, while some of them reach the horizons of the brilliant start, the rest is ascending in the ability to improvise. Capacity has value in the field of education and in this research presentation of some innovative tunes by the researcher to benefit from the improvement of the accompanying curriculum improvisation. The research is divided into: First: The theoretical part: It includes the previous studies related to the subject of research (educational improvisation, accompanying, melody). Second: The applied part: It deals with three innovative melodies by the researcher and some guidance on them. The research concluded with the following results: The research results in the optimal performance of the accompaniment in educational improvisation. developed some innovative tunes by the researcher in the accompaniment of educational improvisation. Then the research recommendations: The researcher recommended : - Training the students of the third year of the Faculty of Specific Education on these melodies in the subject of educational improvisation and benefit from them. - The creation of other melodies along the lines of those melodies in enriching the various items of improvisation. Then the research ended by Arabic and English references and the research summary.  


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