Performance style, author 85’s “Au Rouet”, AT Benjamin Goddard Dr. Asmaa Abdel-Sabour Mohamed *


Lecturer, Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, Minia University


Abstract: In France, the twentieth century witnessed a great music boom, represented in a return to aesthetic teachings associated with concepts of knowledge, such as emotional restraint and the revival of stereotypes of the Contrabean fabric of the Renaissance and Baroque styles and their modeling with the rhythms and hormones of the twentieth century.

French authors appeared, who managed to retain the goal clearly and exploit all available technical and technical forms and means, including Chabrier (1841 - 1894), Faure (1845 - 1924), Frank (1823 - 1890), Benjamin Godard (1849 - 1895). The researcher chose a work by the French author Benjamin Goddard, who is the author of "Profiles on the Wheel", classified 85, for her analytical study (theoretical and psychological) because it contains many musical purifications. The research came to address the theoretical framework, including the introduction to the research, the goals of the research, the importance of research, research questions, research methodology, research sample and research tools, and concluded with research terms) and previous studies related to the topic of research, as well as the applied framework and dealt with the analytical study (theoretical and isolated) of authored profiles on the steering wheel classified 85 and presented Suggestions and instructions necessary to overcome some of the performance difficulties that were included in the author and concluded the research with the results of the research and its interpretation, recommendations, list of references and annexes and a summary of the research.


Main Subjects