“An analytical study of the style of performing 6 piano pieces compiled by Alberto Ginastira”


Lecturer, Department of Music Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The twentieth century witnessed a strong trend among Latin American authors to break free from the control of European musical thought, and their governments encouraged them to do so as part of a policy seeking to emphasize cultural features; and to mix new national music with sincere expressions of Indian or Negro elements but without at the same time losing their connection Open to new western attitudes. The music of every Latin American people derives its own flavor in the composition of its popular music. In Argentina, the Spanish element and above this fertile land stands out by its authors, creating nationalistic styles that have risen beyond Argentine Tango and their music has caught the attention of the world, especially the music of Alberto Ginastera, who was the Argentine folkloric heritage His main concern is that most of his work is inspired by the technique of twelve tones, and he is considered the largest engine of Argentine musical life. The theoretical framework for the research came in handy:  previous studies related to the research topic.  Argentine music.  Biography of Alberto Ginastera, his style, and most important works of the piano machine The application framework came in handy: 1- Determination of the educational level of the Alberto Ginastera sections. 2- A descriptive study of the sections that include the theoretical and instrumental analysis of the formulation to clarify its technical and structural characteristics and to determine the difficulties and instrumental instructions necessary to overcome the difficulties in order to achieve the best performance for them. The research concluded with the results of the research, its interpretation and recommendations. 


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