The possibility of combining leather residues and zippers to carry separate clothing supplements (accessories)


Clothing and Textile Department - Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University


The research aims to:

Use of leather remnants and zippers in manufacturing clothing supplements.
Develop innovative thinking by designing innovative clothing supplements.
Developing technical and technical methods in the field of synthesis to manufacture clothing supplements.
Obtain premium clothing supplements that are competitive and fit to be the start of small projects based on them.

        That was by using the remnants of leather and zippers and overlapping between them to create innovative clothing supplements.
Twenty-five designs were implemented and (2) questionnaire forms were used to evaluate the designs executed and presented them to 15 arbitrators and 35 consumers to evaluate the designs.
The results were as follows:
There were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) among the responses of the specialists in the designs, where the value of (P) 3.94 and the level of significance less than the level of significance (0.01), indicating the existence of differences Among the designs in the questionnaire as a whole. There were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) between the responses of the consumers on the designs of the finished dressings (accessories) of the synthesis between the leather and zipper residues, where the value of (P) 6,565 and the significance level is less than the moral level (0.01), Indicating that there are differences between the designs in this axis. Which confirms the achievement of the sixth hypothesis.

Main Subjects