Technological Training Program to Design Woven Fabrics of 3D Using Multi – Axes Construction


1- Lecturer,Clothing and Textiles ,Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Aswan University.


The Current research aimes to prepareing training technology program acomprehensice  for designing and application of innovative hand made textiles using different strips for optaining 3D effects and possibility of using program to develop and teach course weaving and care. producing textiles that given 3D effect through visual deception and viewing them in different forms of various axes and employing them to enrich and raise aesthetic value of their uses in clothes, their supplements, and textiles. Artuculate storyline 360 program was used in prepared program. The program included 10 main screens. 2 questionnaires for arbitration and evaluation of program were prepared by (specilaists in field of academia, designers of education programs), And a statistical test to measure (cognitive side, note card for the skill performance) "Before, after" of research sample. Textiles and clothing produced by specialists were evaluated, validity and reliability of questionaires wre calculated and results were statistically analysed. Program proves its eddictiveness and efficiency in reaching of the textile course and its care for students of second division of home economics in the faculty of specific education, Aswan University. In addition to training program gained high stsifaction of arbitrators in academic field and designers of educational programs. And by processing the results statistically proved effectiveness and efficiency of program in development of textile curriculum and care for students. The program has reached a high acceptance and satisfaction by Specialists, and percentage of agreement of specialists in clothing and textiles for validity of using and application of program was 73.67% and 71.67% for specialists in technological programs. There were statistically significant differences between average scores of experimental group students in tribal and post-application (cognitive achievement test, skill performance note) in design and implementation of 3D fabric using the training program for the post application.


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