How to make use of non-woven fabrics to enrich the aesthetics of worn pieces (T-shirt)


Department of Clothes and Textile - Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University


      Non-woven fabrics are defined as those that depend on the transition from fiber to final product without having to go through yarns and preparations in the production of woven fabrics. Non-woven fabrics are characterized by their unique characteristics of traditional textile systems that rely on completely new technology.
        A distinctive feature of this performance is its decorative ability to flex in a beautiful style. This is not only demonstrated by the fracture and soft texture but also by its ability to achieve the decorative unity of the design. Hence, the idea of ​​the current research is to use non-woven fabrics as decorative materials in enriching aesthetics T-shirt, in addition to taking advantage of the natural properties of non-woven materials in achieving the aesthetic form of designs, and finally the development of innovative designs of those non-traditional materials through the decorative unit used by the functional aspect of them.
       The study was followed by the experimental method. The research sample was composed of 15 specialists in the field. They are members of the teaching staff specialized in the field of study. The results of the research were achieved to achieve the aesthetic values ​​of the designs implemented using non-woven materials, to her .

Main Subjects