Making Educational Short Films Using a Mobile Phone


PhD Researcher, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University. And an educational media director at the Directorate of Education in Minya


Educational films in general and educational short films are one of the educational media activities that are no less important than any other educational activities, through which students practice arts, media skills, and train on them, as well as express their feelings, ideas, and opinions about all the events, issues and topics that surround them. It interests them and their generation, and to provide informational messages with educational goals that build students cognitive, emotional and skillful.
The current research sought to develop mobile cinema skills among students of educational media by uncovering the rate of use of mobile phones by students of educational media at the Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University in the production of short educational films, identifying obstacles to using these mobile phones in production, and knowing the differences between Students attributed to variables (gender, and rate of use).
The results indicated that the making of educational short films using mobile technology received great interest from students, and there were no differences attributed to the variables (gender, rate of use).


Main Subjects