Image Semantics in Electronic Games via New Media"Analytical Study"


Master Researcher, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University.


The current study seeks to identify the semantics of the image in electronic games new media، so the researcher used descriptive analytical where semantic analysis data was collected for a variety of electronic games by adolescents during the period 1/3/ 2018 even 1/4/2018،the study found:

Image semantics diversified into electronic games between modernity (89.2%) Positive (62.2%)، and not without its negative images، too، and turned away images for realism.
Semantic games used signs and symbols and adopted them as varied between facial gestures and hand movements and signs and instructions، billboards for its connotations in a more interactive environment attracts the player
Relationship between indication image in electronic games via new media and gender of the characters.

Keywords: Image Semantics، Electronic Games، New Media.


Main Subjects