The Differential Item Function John Raven Progressive Advanced Matrices Test Based on Gender and Specialization


Demonstrator in the Department of Psychological Counseling, majoring in Statistics in Education and Psychology, College of Education, University of Aleppo - Syria.


The object of this current research is to find out the biases of John Raven Progressive advanced matrices test and the significance of differences in test scores attributed to gender and specialization. The sample consisted of (2103) male and female students of Damascus University College who submitted the standardized matrices of John Raven Of 60 single-type multi-choice items.
The results indicated that:

There are statistically significant differences in John Raven Progressive advanced matrices test according to the sex variable in favor of males.
There are statistically significant differences in the test John Raven Progressive advanced matrices test according to the variable of specialization in favor of scientific specialization.
The results showed that (29 items) with 48.33% had Differential Item Function based on gender, and and the probability of the item having a Differential Item Function increased.
The results showed that (40 items) was 66.66% had Differential Item Function based on specialization, and the probability of the item having a Differential Item Function increased.



Main Subjects