Effectiveness of Full e - Learning and Its Impact on Increasing Cognitive Achievement in the Chemistry Course and Academic Self Concept for King Khalid University Female Students


1 أستاذ علم النفس التربوی المساعد، کلیة العلوم والآداب بسراة عبیدة، جامعة الملک خالد، وکلیة التربیة، جامعة الزقازیق.

2 Assistant professor of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology, King Khalid University.


                     The objective of the current research is to identify the effectiveness of a program based on e-learning and its impact on the cognitive achievement and academic self-concept for King Khalid Universityfemale students, where the high appreciation of the academic work affects the cognitive achievement of students of the seventh level in chemistry department, Faculty of Science and Arts, Of the students of the chemistry department at the Faculty of Science and Arts at the University of King Khalid University (46).
Keywords: Full e-learning, concept of self -academic Cognitive Achievement


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