The Impact of the Interaction Style of the Schoology in Developing the Skills of Digital Image Production among Students of Instructional Technology


Fayoum University, educational designer at the e-curriculum production center


The search aims to discover the effect of difference between some of kinds of interaction (interaction student with student- interaction student with teacher) in the Schoology of development of skills of digital photos’ production for students of instrucational technology, faculty of specific education, using the description way to collect information and classify, process and analyze them adequately and accurately to reach to results of the research  and  a semi-experimental approach to investigate the role of the independent variable and studies its effect on the variable  that prove research hypotheses, and use a technological approach that is based on the design, development and evaluation of the environment that is designed.
The model of the research contain 44 students from the fourth group of educational technology department, faculty of specific education, El Mini University  that are chosen in random way and divide them to two experimental  groups , each group contain 22 student. The tools are represented in the list of digital photos’ production, the card of digital photos ‘observation and the card of assessment of digital photos’ production.The results of the schoology that based on development the skills of digital photos’ production for students of educational technology proved that based on interaction of student with student was better than interaction student with teacher in the card of observation and the card of assessment of the final production.


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