The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based on Educational Workshops in the Development of E Marketing Skills of the Specialist Instrucation Technology


Senior Specialist Education Technology, West Fayoum Educational Administration.


                The goal of the current search to reveal the effectiveness of a training program through mobile learning based on education workshops in the development of electronic marketing skills for educational services and productive goods resulting from educational activists between schools that suffer from continuous deficits in its budget with a specialist education technology. The research was the application of the experience of the Pilot Group of (30) Education technology specialist from the Department of West Educational Specialist in Fayoum. The descriptive approach was used to address the conceptual framework of previous studies and the preparation of search tools, and methodology to learn effective pilot-training program through mobile learning based on education workshops in the development of electronic marketing skills with a specialist education technology, and the design of the learning environment in the light of the educational design model. The search tools in the cognitive test to measure the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the prospects of the component marketing, product evaluation card (E-advertising delivery time, e-advertising elements, characteristics of information provided, links, and technological skills). The results indicated the effectiveness of the training program using educational workshops through mobile learning in increasing the cognitive achievement and developing the e-marketing skills of the instruction technology specialist.
Keywords: Mobile learning, educational workshops, e-marketing skills


Main Subjects