Standards for Producing a Learning Environment Based on Enhanced Reality in Light of the Theory of Symbolic Interaction


PhD Researcher, Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University.


Educators are always looking for the best strategies and techniques that provide an interactive learning environment that attracts the attention of learners and encourages them to exchange views and experiences. Learning environments based on Augmented Reality technology are one such technique that many studies have indicated to be effective in teaching and learning because they allow interaction between teacher and learner, and enable learners to obtain clear, concise and inexpensive information compared to others in use and preparation, Dimensions. The aim of the current research is to reach the criteria for producing a learning environment based on the Augmented Reality in light of the theory of symbolic interaction. The research used the descriptive approach to answer the main question: "What are the criteria for producing a learning environment based on an Augmented Reality in the light of the theory of symbolic interaction and its principles?" The results of the study were based on a set of educational and technological standards, which were monitored by specialists. The study was conducted in a list of (8) standards, which included (51) indicators. Using these standards when designing and producing learning environments based on Augmented Reality.


Main Subjects