News Treatment Frameworks for Crime Issues in Online Newspapers "An analytical study"

Document Type : Original Article


Minia University Faculty of Specific Education Department of Educational Media


The current study seeks to identify the frameworks of news treatment of crime cases in electronic newspapers, and the researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and data was collected using the content analysis tool on a sample of electronic newspapers including (Al-Ahram newspaper as a representative of national newspapers, and the seventh day newspaper as a representative of private newspapers, and the newspaper of the people As a representative of party newspapers) during the period from 1/1/2018 to 31/12/2019, and the study reached:
• The seventh day electronic newspaper outperformed the study papers in terms of its interest in crime cases, as it recorded (3015), (78.1%).
• The sub-page (internal) issues a list of the website publishing crime cases in the three electronic newspapers, at a rate of (100%).
• Local coverage of crime cases is issued first in the list of geographical coverage of crime cases in electronic newspapers, the study sample.
• The report obtained the first order in the study newspapers in terms of journalistic arts used in dealing with crime cases.
• The most types of crimes presented by the study newspapers, as they were in the first place drug crimes by 21.1%, and in the second order, homicides by 18.4%, and in the third order crimes of property theft by 15.4%.
• The security framework topped the list of frameworks used to deal with crime cases in study newspapers, and in the second order came the framework of humanitarian concerns.


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